Posted by Armand K. on Friday, September 23, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?
Did you ever want to be a micro-organism? You did?! Well awe?some, cause there is a game that will let you do that! Actu?ally, there are a lot of games like that, from the begin?ning (and best) stage of SPORE, to the sub?tle and bril?liant Fl0w, and many more I?m prob?a?bly for?get?ting. But a new game called Omi?cron brings a bit of change to the table in the design ele?ments. Visu?ally the game might seem like Osmos, an almost med?i?ta?tive puz?zle game well worth the cheap price tag, but in other ways, Omi?cron feels more like Euflo?ria (aka Dyson), in that it has some RTS ele?ments to it, but in a rather non?tra?di?tional manner.
Where as Euflo?ria took the RTS genre and stripped it down to the bare essen?tials, cre?at?ing a visu?ally zen like and pleas?ant expe?ri?ence with sim?ple con?trols mixed with rich game?play, Omi?cron takes RTS and melds it with a side-scroller. You con?trol a small amoeba like crea?ture that can move around a two dimen?sional game world, col?lect?ing lit?tle smaller? things, that will let you grow. The lit?tle blue points of light you col?lect act as both resource and troops, meld?ing the two into one thing, thus strip?ping down the RTS genre a lit?tle fur?ther. The more of these guys you get, the harder nav?i?ga?tion can become, fit?ting through small and dan?ger?ous envi?ron?ments, or avoid?ing enemy attacks, just as a mas?sive army in many RTS games can lead to more dif?fi?cult man?age?ment (cou?pled with greater power of course).
But you will need these lit?tle guys to help you nav?i?gate the game world, fight off ene?mies, and solve puz?zles as well. Com?bat takes place by com?ing up to an unfriendly organ?ism, and try?ing to con?nect with a sort of fun?nel every?one has built into them. This allows the player to trans?port his resources into their foe. Get enough of your guys in there, and the whole thing explodes, some?times leav?ing behind other good?ies to col?lect. It?s sim?i?lar to Euflo?ria both in that it you are try?ing to ?con?vert? enemy resources to your own side, and that it is all done with?out a cum?ber?some UI, trans?lat?ing health points and the like into visual ele?ments in a clear man?ner with?out tak?ing any?thing away from the over all aesthetic.
There is more to the game than that, and you can check out the first hand?ful of lev?els in the free demo on the developer?s site here.
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