The AGU is getting together with green activists the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund to organise a series of webinars:
In recent years, an increasing number of scientists have found themselves involved in legal discussions about their work, their correspondence, and their public statements. To better prepare the scientific community for these challenges, AGU and CSLDF have put together a legal education program for the scientific community. The goal is to both give a primer on the legal issues facing scientists and update them on legal situations currently making their way through the courts.
The legal education program will start with a series of webinars featuring some of the lawyers on the front lines of climate science litigation. These webinars will be followed by a series of legal education events at AGU?s 2012 Fall Meeting.
The first seminars look pretty interesting. The first is on document retention, a subject that someone more cynical than me might characterise as "what can safely be deleted. The second is "an inside look at the Michael Mann case" and seems to have evasion of FOI as its focus.
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