Mad Men Cookbook
If you?d like to cook some of the food from your favorite TV shows and movies, have I got some cookbooks for you!
The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook: Inside the Kitchens, Bars, and Restaurants of Mad Men. ?Whether you?re planning a Mad Men party, or just can?t get enough of the show itself, this is your essential resource, a guide to all foods and drinks Mad Men.? (At least according to the cookbook?s website.) In addition to more than 70 recipes, this baby has tips for throwing a ?60s cocktail party, ?historical and cultural context? for the food on the show, and a guide to favorite Mad Men hangouts.
Hunger Games Cookbook
The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook: From Lamb Stew to ?Groosling? ? More than 150 Recipes Inspired by the Hunger Games trilogy. Ok, so technically, this cookbook borrows from the books, but ? the first movie?s still in theaters and the second one will start shooting this year, so I?m keeping it in the movie cookbook category. Want to try the aforementioned Lamb Stew, or Rue?s Roasted Parsnips? How about Capitol-Grade Dark Chocolate Cake? Well now you can enjoy all the dystopian goodness you want.
Game of Thrones Cookbook
The Unofficial Game of Thrones Cookbook: From Direwolf Ale to Auroch Stew ? More than 150 Recipes from Westeros and Beyond. Mmm?Auroch Stew?If you?re a fan of this show, inspired by George R. R. Martin?s ?A Song of Fire and Ice? books, you?ll get a kick out of this cookbook. In it, you can also find recipes for Wilding Grilled Pork Chops with Stir-Grilled Apples, The Imp?s Wild Strawberry Fool, and Tears of Lys, ?the concoction of choice for bartenders and assassins alike.? Note to self: Next time someone offers you Tears of Lys, find out if they are a bartender or assassin. Could be important.
Harry Potter Cookbook
The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook: From Cauldron Cakes to Knickerbocker Glory ? More than 150 Magical Recipes for Muggles and Wizards [Kindle Edition]. Pumpkin Pasties, Molly?s Meat Pies, Treacle Tart and Kreacher?s French Onion Soup ? it?s all here for your mugglish enjoyment. Something to note ? apparently there are no recipe photos and ? gasp ? butterbeer is not on the menu.
Star Trek Cookbook
The Star Trek Cookbook [Kindle Edition]. Unlike those unofficial interlopers, this is an officially sanctioned cookbook. You?ll find favorite foods of the characters from every Star Trek series and movie and, fortunately for us, they have ?all been adapted for easy use in twentieth-century kitchens.? Whew! So whether you?re craving Ocampan Potato Salad, Vulcan Apple Pastry, McCoy?s Mint Julep, or Klingon Bloodwine, you are officially covered.
Star Wars Cookbook
The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookiee Cookies and other Galactic Recipes. Originally released in 1998, this classic cookbook will be re-released in May. ?From C-3PO Pancakes to Jedi Juice Bars, this intergalactic Star Wars cookbook features healthy snacks, delicious dishes, sweet treats, and easy main courses no Rebel can resist.? Plus, it has shiny stickers. Pre-order it now for your favorite Star Wars fan/cook, because I have a feeling that these will get snapped up at light speed. And yes, there is a sequel ? The Star Wars Cookbook II: Darth Malt and more Galactic Recipes.
May the Force be with you in your kitchen?
Dawn Mundy
I write food and lifestyle articles for Family Features by day. I wish I could say I was a superhero by night, but alas, that is not so. I?m a mom who loves cooking, gardening, music and books. See what I?m cooking at home at
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