Friday, April 13, 2012

Staying Fit Through the Ages: Your 30s - Healthy You Now

By Nikki Kimbrough

The 30s are when many women find them?selves extremely focused on bal?anc?ing fam?ily and work. It is hard enough to find the time to eat or sleep, let alone work?out! Addi?tional fac?tors such as post baby weight, the onset of lower energy lev?els, exter?nal stres?sors on the job and the need for qual?ity ?me? time will begin to empha?size the slow, but notice?able, changes that are start?ing to hap?pen to the?body.

Deal?ing with daily stress

Get Fit Tip: Exer?cise. It is the num?ber one pre?scrip?tion for stress relief and treat?ing ner?vous ten?sion. Exer?cise will relax you, it will improve your mood and your self-esteem and it will make you eat health?ier. The fact is, those who exer?cise reg?u?larly tend to eat more nutri?tious food, which in turn helps your body to man?age stress bet?ter and lose weight. Many do not real?ize it, but nutri?tion is 80% of any work?out program.

Health Con?cerns:

Osteo?poro?sis ? Around the mid 30?s, a mis?match between bone pro?duc?tion and bone break?down begins to occur. We see more of an increase in bone loss than we see of bone gain. Remem?ber, weight-bearing exer?cises help to main?tain good bone den?sity, which aids in alle?vi?at?ing osteo?poro?sis and other skele?tal sys?tem con?cerns.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Get Fit Tip: Con?sume 1000 mg of cal?cium a day by eat?ing green veg?eta?bles, dairy prod?ucts, or by tak?ing a cal?cium sup?ple?ment such as Citracal.

Heart Dis?ease ? Sta?tis?tics show that among Amer?i?can women, African Amer?i?can women are more likely to die from heart dis?ease than any other eth?nic group. It is more impor?tant than ever to con?cen?trate on your ?Heart Health? in your 30?s.?? Get Fit Tip: A com?bi?na?tion of car?dio fit?ness, strength train?ing and nutri?tion will enable you to main?tain a healthy weight and reduce your?risks.


Nikki Kim?brough ? one of the top fit?ness experts in the United States ? is CEO and Pres?i?dent of her fit?ness com?pany, Get Fit w/Nik, Inc. Ms. Kim?brough has shared her knowl?edge of health and fit?ness with the coun?try on such pro?grams as CNN Head?line News, The Today Show (NBC), Good Morn?ing Amer?ica (ABC), The Early Show (CBS), The Tony Danza Show, The Cen?ter (BET) and Makeover Manor(TV-One). She has also been a fit?ness con?trib?u?tor for Essence and Fit?ness mag?a?zines and can be seen in Bally?s Total Fit?ness National Com?mer?cial Campaigns.

? Nikki Kim?brough for Get Fit w/ Nik, All Rights Reserved

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